Research on homicides and shootings has confirmed what most police officers working in high crime urban areas already knew; 60% to 70% of gun violence is related to group (the term group is used to depict gangs, crews, posse, etc.) and group member conflicts.

There is no greater investment in a police department than the men and women that are hired to serve their communities. Over 90% of the police budget is allocated to the police personnel and too often agencies fail to protect their investment through proper hiring practices, training, and supervision. Even with that knowledge police departments and police executives pay more attention to the damage of the police vehicles than to the health (physical and/or mental) of their police officers.

It is important to understand that there is a difference between Active Shooters, Radical Extremist, Political, Religion or Ideological Terrorists. To classify all violent events as Terrorist Acts misses the possibility of law enforcement to be able to get a handle on the tragic events occurring across the world today.

Through the use of police data, we are able to identify specific problem areas (Hot Spots) that allow us to address crime and disorder based on geographic locations, days and times. Once these locations are identified the appropriate strategies can be developed to address the crime and disorder.